Bjièn (pronounced as bien in French) helps companies with the awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace and the implementation of neuroinclusive approaches and strategies. We provide keynotes, workshops and consulting for organisations seeking to build resilient and productive neurodiverse teams.
What drives us – our mission & vision
Catalysing organisations and their teams to excel in innovation, productivity and resilience by unlocking the power of neurodiversity.
Our dream is to have neuro-inclusive and psychologically safe work environments for everyone to thrive in.
Why work with us?
What makes us “Bjièn”?
- Proven experience in leading and managing teams in companies from various industries, with or without neurodivergent team members.
- Experience in establishing a diversity and inclusion policy and applying change management in a director role.
- Further training in diversity management, resilient leadership, team coaching and team dynamics, psychological safety, optimal communication, giving feedback, stress management, self-awareness, and time management at various institutions such as KU Leuven, FLY, NCOI, IFBD, and Van Kelst & Co.
- Shared insights based on recent scientific research on neurodiversity.
- Own experiential expertise in neurodivergence.
- As an accredited service provider with a quality registration from Work and Social Economy (WSE; Flemish Government), our services can be purchased using workability vouchers.
- Presentations and workshops with hands-on and feasible strategies and approaches that are good for everyone.
- We make heavier topics easier to discuss in a smooth and humorous way.
- Pioneers in Belgium with regards to consulting on neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion at work.
Who we are – the team
Bjièn’s team consists of experienced speakers and consultants on neurodiversity at work. They have the ideal combination of expertise on neurodiversity and on managing teams in the workplace.
You may meet Bjièn at several events where we share insights and tips on neurodiversity in business and the workplace.
Press, guest blogs and podcasts (Dutch and French)
- ZigZagHR - Bjièn organiseert eerste conferentie over neurodiversiteit op het werk
- De Tijd - Door neurodivergent talent te negeren, missen bedrijven enorme kans
- Stad Gent - Neurodiversiteit: 7 tips voor op de werkvloer
- ZigZagHR - Wereldautismedag: bedrijven die neurodiversiteit omarmen, floreren
- Hands-on Inclusion - Diversiteit is een bron van waardevolle inzichten, ideeën en nieuwe perspectieven
- ZigZagHR - Gentse startup versterkt bedrijven met de kracht van neurodiversiteit
- PeopleSphere - Gentse startup versterkt bedrijven met de kracht van neurodiversiteit
- PeopleSphere - Une start-up gantoise prête main-forte aux entreprises pour recruter des profils neurodivergents
- De Vlaamse Ondernemer - Gentse start-up Bjièn versterkt bedrijven met kracht van neurodiversiteit
- Made in Oost-Vlaanderen - Start-up versterkt bedrijven met neurodivergente mensen: “Vraag als manager waar ze nood aan hebben. Ga er niet vanuit dat je dit zelf weet”
- publiq - Van neurodiversiteit naar neuro-inclusiviteit bij je activiteiten
- Clusity - The reality of autistic women in tech
- Het Laatste Nieuws - Dietrich en Daphné organiseren gesprekken over leven met een diagnose én een job in de techwereld: “ASS of ADHD, dat is een stérkte”
You can also hear us in podcast episodes of 50 Koffies, Anderwijs, SoftwareCaptains, De Pod Op and fFFalen.